Published on 02 Oct 2020 | Topics: #GreatAytonNews
Join the nationwide Big Neighbourhood Pumpkin Trail event this Halloween.

As we know things are a bit different this year due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, that's why the wonderful team at Art Venturers® have come up with the wonderful nationwide event 'The Big Neighbourhood Pumpkin Trail'.
"This October, we’d love to get as many homes as possible in our local neighbourhoods involved in our Big Neighbourhood Pumpkin Trail! All you need to do is display a pumpkin in your window – paper, real, decorated, plastic, painted….whatever you like! Below you can find our ARTventurers easy-to-use pumpkin template that the kids (and grown ups!) can decorate to put in your window, and there’s a couple of printable window posters and some other Halloween resources too! Then when children are out and about around Halloween time they can see how many pumpkins they can spot – it will become one massive Pumpkin Trail!" - quoted from the Art Venturers® website
Poster courtesy of Art Venturers®
For further information and for fantastic and creative Halloween ideas please visit the Art Venturers® website or Facebook page.