Published on 28 Feb 2020 | Topics: #GreatAytonNews
Cleveland Mountain Rescue receives donation from Visit Great Ayton thanks to local businesses.

We reported back in November that Visit Great Ayton would be donating 5% to Cleveland Mountain Rescue from the total received from local businesses and organisations for advertising on our popular Santa Sleigh Tracking App and Online Advent Calendar.
Photo courtesy of Cleveland Mountain Rescue
It's with greatest thanks to the following businesses and organisations for supporting our Santa App and Advent Calendar that the donation was possible:
- Watkins-Wright Hairdressing & Beauty Great Ayton
- Yorkshire Vehicle Hire
- Stokesley Taxis
- Richardson's Pet Services
- Great Ayton Dramatic Society
- Sharman Wines
Photo courtesy of Cleveland Mountain Rescue
Mike Gallagher of Cleveland Mountain Rescue wished to thank Visit Great Ayton and the businesses/organisations for their support:
"Many thanks for the donation to the Cleveland Mountain Rescue Team made on behalf of the businesses that supported the Santa Sleigh App last year.
On Sunday 23rd December Cleveland Mountain Rescue Team members were joined by friends and family to escort Santa Claus and his reindeers on an 5 mile tour of Great Ayton. We were lucky to have relative warm and dry weather which brought out large numbers of children ( and their families ) to greet Santa Claus and receive a present.
The people of Great Ayton were again very generous and after expenses ( mainly the chocolates and presents for children ) the event raised £761.38 in donations. Team Members agreed to share the donations with the Yorkshire Cancer Research charity.
Both charities were very grateful for the donations which will be used to support the vital work we do to support people in our local communities". - Mike Gallagher