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Become a Business Member

Why it's a great idea to become VisitGreatAyton local business member

VisitGreatAyton Membership has been designed to assist business growth in Great Ayton and surrounding areas.

Visit Great Ayton Statistics

 - VisitGreatAyton.com receives on average 100K website visitors monthly from the UK and internationally.

 - We recently topped 1.05M impressions annually!

 - Average social media reach across all social platforms (Facebook, X and Instagram) is 75K per month.

We aim to meet the needs of your business by working closely with you with the principle outcome of increasing traffic to your website and/or social media channels and hence increasing visitor footfall and customer loyalty. Our goal is to bring the local business community, tourism footfall and local community together in synergy to provide the best for our customers.



  • Business profile listing

    Your business profile contains an image, contact details (address, telephone), a short description and your business location on Google Maps

  • Search result listing

    Your business profile will be dynamically listed when searching on visitgreatayton.com

  • Discount on website and mobile app adverts

    As a member you will receive up to 30% discount for any advert available to publish on visitgreatayton.com


Get Essential
  • - Free of charge option
  • - No minimum contract required
  • - No set-up fees
  • - No debit or credit card required
  • - Terms and Conditions apply


  • Business profile page with no adverts

    Dedicated business page customised with your branding image, contact info, own content (offers, menus, reviews et c.) and links to your existing business website or Facebook page.

  • Unique web address

    Dedicated web address e.g. https://visitgreatayton.com/yourbusinessname increasing the visibility of your business and its existing online presence on Search Engines (Google, Bing, etc.)

  • Social Media Promotion

        Receive 2 promotions p/mth on each of our social media channels, Facebook, X and Instagram.

  • Dedicated online account

    Receive 'Premium Member Keynotes' sent quarterly. Have access to reports giving you an indication of how your Premium Member profile performs e.g. how many people visited your profile page or searched for your business on Google and generally how they interacted with the offers and links on your profile page.

  • Monthly eNewsletter

    Be mentioned in our monthly eNewsletter sent to over 700 active subscribers.

  • Online payment solution**

    Securely accept 7 different payment methods online including Apple Pay and Google Wallet when you have a Premium profile page and a VGA Marketplace online shop.

  • Added-value services and discounts

    Up to 50% discount for any advertising space available on visitgreatayton.com, push notification facility, analytics and reports. Discounted rates for services provided by our partners Mini Markets, Right Away and AppyHive Ltd.

£ 18.00/ month

or £ 198.00 / year (inclusive 1st month FREE)
Standard annual fee £ 216.00
Get Premium
  • - Prices are excluding VAT
  • - No set-up fees, no card processing fees
  • - No minimum contract required
  • - Pay by debit/credit card, PayPal™ or Bank transfer
  • - Terms and Conditions apply
  • -----------------------------------------
  • *1st month FREE, £18.00 plus VAT thereafter
  • **Fee on card transaction may apply