Bugs are important
Without bugs such as bees, butterflies and beetles many flowers wouldn’t be pollinated.
Learn moreGood evening
The story of Great Ayton’s High Street through the eyes of pollinators from the earliest records to planting for the future, made possible by money raised by National Lottery players, through a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant.
Explore the Bug Trail in Great Ayton today!
Find out how the planting for pollinators has changed over time as the village has developed and why it is important to now increase the number of plants suitable for pollinators and what part you can play.
The Bug Trail app is now available on Google Play Store or Apple App Store to find out more about the history of Great Ayton’s High Street through the eyes of pollinators as you follow the trail.
Without bugs such as bees, butterflies and beetles many flowers wouldn’t be pollinated.
Learn moreFollow the Bug Trail between High Green and Low Green looking at the world through the eyes of pollinators.
Bug Trail funThis chart can be used to help you identify some of the different groups of invertebrates that visit your wildflowers.
More detailsThe Bug Trail has been created to engage families in the natural and built heritage of the area by following a pollinator trail along the High Street.
Learn moreIf flowers are not pollinated, then they won’t produce fruit such as apples or vegetables. Many plants use their fruit to produce more plants and ensure their survival.
This project has been designed to encourage people to explore the environment of Great Ayton on foot. To help the environment, if you are planning to visit Great Ayton why don’t you come by bus or train rather than driving. Find out more about how we have designed the project to be environmentally friendly.
For public transport information visit Traveline